A downloadable game

You play as a rebel, who has just stolen a dimension-switching device from an alien species. You were about to escape until you triggered their planetary alarm system, summoning their entire army to stop you. Now you must fight off waves of enemies and dodge attacks until your team can come pick you up. 

Dimensional Drift is a single-player bullet hell styled shoot-em-up game that allows the player to switch between 3D, 2D, and 1D viewpoints to defeat waves of enemies. These dimensions present a risk vs. reward structure, providing players with interesting choices throughout their experience. The higher dimensions pose a lower risk but result in a much harder time to kill enemies. In contrast, the lower dimensions allow the player to hit much easier, for the price of being easier to be hit in return.

In 3D, you fly around the world in the third person and can use elevation to your advantage to dodge attacks easier. In 2D, the camera moves to an orthographic top-down perspective, allowing players to see the world around them and hit enemies more easily. In 1D, the player can only move forwards or backward, making dodging difficult but guaranteeing a hit on any projectile from the player as well. To provide further incentive to the player to keep switching dimensions, there will be enemies and types of attacks that are stronger or weaker in certain dimensions. For example, an enemy could have erratic vertical movement in 3D, making it impossible to hit. The player can switch to 2D to eliminate the vertical movement from this enemy to kill it.

 Enemies spawn in waves, and as you defeat them, you gain intel that you can use to upgrade and augment your weapons. Defeat waves of enemies and survive till the end to win.

User Experience

A fast paced game that focuses on reacting to bullets and dashing around the map. The emphasis of the experience is the intensity and excitement of combat, and strategic movement and positioning to stay on the offensive. Elements that enhance this experience is the locomotion of the player, and the ability to upgrade your weapons to change the feel of them entirely to suit individual playstyles.

Updated 6 days ago
Published 15 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorscrELu, igobykuro, hellerni, fmwofmwmf, reriss


Creative Brief.pdf 8.6 MB
Build_0.zip 81 MB
Proof of Concept 59 MB

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